Saturday, August 15, 2009

Standing Bear Lake

This is Standing Bear Lake, named for Chief Standing Bear. I walk the shorter path of 40 minutes as many mornings during the summer that I can and when I have time during the school year in the evenings. There is a longer path on the south side that I take when I can, it takes about an hour and 15 minutes to walk.

During summer mornings, I often share this space with fishermen and women. This summer, I saw the same man sitting in the bed of his white pickup truck feeding birds and squirrels. I often wondered if he waited for me, expecting me everyday or what he thought on the days I wasn't there. We never even said hi to eachother.

Often in the evenings, I can hear and see miniature airplanes that some people fly around the lake. There is a spot on the southside where I believe people convene to fly their planes together.

As we look for a new house, I desperately want another place like this to be able to walk to and escape to.


To the right is a photo of the view I have every
morning of the summer or evening during the
school year when I walk around my neighborhood or to the lake across the street. Although we want to move eventually, I love the corn and soybean fields growing here every year; I love the wide open space.

It is breathtaking to see the sun rising over the fog and dew of the field. Or to watch lightning crack across the sky.

We know that eventually this land will be sold for more housing or other development, just like it was for our neighborhood and we mourn that day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This is Baker's supermarket. A grocery chain started in Walnut, Iowa in 1927 by Abe Baker. My father, mother, brothers, stepmother, sister, countless friends and husband and I have all worked there. In fact, this is where my husband and I met. We often joke that it should be called "Bahle's", which is my maiden name. I worked there off and on for 11 years until 2006 when I finally quit because I was fed up with the changes that took place when this local grocery chain was taken over by Kroger, a national chain. Among many greivances, our customer base suddenly became distant strangers as Kroger made us into a national brand, rather than a local grocer. But this place has supported my family, built a strong work ethic within me, taught me to respect all those working in retail or with the general public and helped me pay for school, my first home and more school. Leaving was a bittersweet event.