Saturday, August 15, 2009


To the right is a photo of the view I have every
morning of the summer or evening during the
school year when I walk around my neighborhood or to the lake across the street. Although we want to move eventually, I love the corn and soybean fields growing here every year; I love the wide open space.

It is breathtaking to see the sun rising over the fog and dew of the field. Or to watch lightning crack across the sky.

We know that eventually this land will be sold for more housing or other development, just like it was for our neighborhood and we mourn that day.


  1. Dear Jenny,
    I’ve known you for over a year now, but it was fun to learn some new things about you through your blog. I smiled at your wedding photos and the memories you connected with each one. I can picture you walking at Standing Bear and passing the man. It is interesting to think about how and with whom we share space. How does this affect us?
    I too love to walk out in the “wide open spaces”. Just this morning I took Julia and my visiting niece out for a walk on the Cowboy Trail in the country. We saw a buck run through a field, then just stop to stare at us for at least a full minute. There is something about connecting with nature – like you said to watch the fog over the field in the morning – that makes something stir inside me. I’m hoping to discover more of what that is through this class.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jennifer Troester

  2. Hi Jenny, thanks for sharing yourself with us through this blog! I was touched by your love of wide open spaces and your mourning the eventual loss of those spaces. I think much of nature/environmental writing is about loss, in some fashion. Your walking at Standing Bear Lake brings continuity to your life. Have you looked into the history of Standing Bear? I believe NETV is producing a documentary on Standing Bear that should be shown in the next year or two.

  3. p.s. - I forgot to mention your love of the "Shawshank Redemption" - one of my favorites!
